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What to eat during pregnancy

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PICKLED GOOSEBERRY Gooseberry is known as 'Amla' in Hindi and Avla in 'Marathi'.  Gooseberry or Avla is a fruit with many benefits.  It contains ample amount of vitamin C. It is a seasonal fruit and found in large quantities in winter.  It is very healthy to consume during winter. It is believed that an Avla contains vitamin C equal to that of three oranges.  Having a diet rich in vitamin C is beneficial for good skin and hair as well as body health.  Avla is the only fruit rich in vitamin C which can be stored for long and consumed daily with negligible loss of vitamin content.  Hair becomes lustrous and strong with regular intake of gooseberry. Hairfall stops and dandruff vanishes.  All skin related problems can be solved by regular consumption of gooseberry leaving it clear and glowing.  Avla is very healthy for the digestive system. It's consumption improves digestion and also prevents constipation keeping you healthy and happy.  Avla


B eing mother is a biggest responsibility of a woman's life where she has to face many difficulties and challenges; still finds out the way through every situation.  From giving birth to growing up her baby,  she has to play different roles. She devotes all her time to the little one.  While performing all her duties towards her child and family,  she doesn't get enough time to take care of herself and get a glance at mirror. All this change from a beautiful diva with out standing hairstyle in her college days to typical aunt type with messy hair and out of shape eyebrows and unwaxed hands and legs,  dull skin and blah blah; kinda disappoints her.  A woman is such a beautiful creation of God that she should never underestimate herself. Whatever she is and where and in what situation she is doesn't matter; she is beautiful anyhow. Every woman is beautiful in her own ways. What she needs is to maintain this beauty and take care of her beauty and enhance it. Wh


-By Madhuja Waykos What's up people?  Especially ladies who love to cook variety of food items at home.  Will you like if a new vegetable dish is introduced?  You can cook it for lunch or dinner with hot 'phulkas' or chappatis.  Do you know what is 'Navalgol?' It is  the Marathi name for Kohlrabi or German Turnip.  It belongs to the same species as cabbage,  broccoli and cauliflower.  Navalgol is rich in vitamins and fibres,  and low in calories with zero cholesterol and fats. It is a good source of calcium,  magnesium,  potassium,  iron and b-complex vitamins,  vitamin C,  vitamin A and K.  Why not cook a nutritious and healthy dish for our loved family with 'Navalgol? ' This is a good healthy and tasty recipe for kids as well as elders of the family. For kids you can check ' Healthy and tasty soups for children'. If you already love cabbage and broccoli,  this will work great in your case. Though it will give a lot better taste than ca


Living in Maharashtra (a state in India), we have a typical baby naming ceremony called as 'Baarsa' in Marathi. The new born baby and her parents are showered with precious gifts like gold rings and bracelets for the baby, sarees and clothes for the parents and etc,  etc.  This ritual is all about naming the baby in presence of all relatives and friends,  then gift giving event and then grand feast. Actually the idea of gifting new parents with the precious gifts is not really bad, but who won't love being gifted by something helpful. Isn't it a good idea though?  After the naming ceremony,  many other relatives and people come for a visit and meet parents,  see baby and all that stuff. The visitors bring toys and clothes for the baby,  few of them bring clothes for mother too. They also hand over money also known as 'SHAGUN' in Hindi to the little baby.  Apart from all these stuff, a mother will really love if something helpful is recieved as a gift

5 Things You Should Never Give Kids

Your child might be a toddler or a 5 years old school going boy. When health related query arises,  all children should be considered under the same category.  Know what are those 5 things which you should never give children- 1)  Food that contains 'All purpose flour' This four is refined wheat flour which has no such benefits,  but hazards. As it is deficient in fibre content; it becomes sticky when comes in contact with the water.   When consumed in the form of variety of foods,  it causes constipation. As we all have been hearing since our school days the fact behind 'proper functioning of bowels. ' We already know how important it is to have fibre rich food for proper functioning of bowels. Food that is devoid of any fibre content in it will only cause constipation leading to gastric and intestinal problems.  Always avoid giving these foods to the children which are made from 'All purpose flour' - * Biscuits * White bread * Pizza